ananya kango is an architect and maker with experience in computational design and digital
fabrication. He
holds a professional bachelor's degree from National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur, India. He has worked
with international design and architecture firm Orproject /orproject/
since 2017 where he contributed to
various large and small scale projects as a full-time architect and project lead.
In 2022 he completed the Master of Advanced Studies in Architecture and Digital Fabrication /masdfab/ from
ETH Zurich, gaining further expertise in the fields of additive manufacturing, digital design and large
scale robotic fabrication.
Since then, he is a researcher at Gramazio Kohler Research /gkr/ at ETH Zürich. His interests lie in robotic control
systems, large-scale additive manufacturing techniques and novel material processes. He focuses on
developing customized tools and algorithms suited for architecture and construction applications.
Currently he is the the lead
tutor and coordinator
for the /masdfab/ programme.
For further details,
selected works
/instagram/ /github/ /linkedin/
All rights reserved, ananya kango 2023